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NeoPixel Addressable 1515 LEDs (1.5mm x 1.5mm) - 10 pack


Elmwood Electronics has stopped accepting orders. This product might be available at PiShop.ca. Please check this blog post about our recent team merger.

Make your own smart LED arrangement with the same integrated LED that is used in our NeoPixel strip and pixels. This tiny 1515 (1.5mm x 1.5mm) RGB LED is designed to be surface-mount soldered and is the most compact way possible to integrate multiple bright LEDs to a design. The driver chip is inside the LED and has ~18mA constant current drive so the color will be very consistent even if the voltage varies, and no external choke resistors are required making your design minimal. Power the whole thing with 5VDC, and you're ready to rock.

Note that due to the size of the LEDs, they are not designed to be hand-soldered. They are really small and the pads for the LEDs are underneath. If you want to hand-solder NeoPixels, check out the 5050 sized NeoPixel bare LEDs or the through-hole NeoPixel LEDs.

Comes in a package with 10 individual LEDs. 

Adafruit's detailed NeoPixel Uberguide has everything you need to use NeoPixels in any shape and size. Including ready-to-go library & example code for the Arduino UNO/Duemilanove/Diecimila, Flora/Micro/Leonardo, Trinket/Gemma, Arduino Due & Arduino Mega/ADK (all versions)

We also carry an ultra-skinny half-meter-long LED strip of these NeoPixel LEDs, no soldering required!