Elmwood no more, long live Elmwood! Elmwood Electronics and PiShop are now together!
Please order via PiShop.ca, as we are no longer taking orders through this site.
More details are in our blog!
Your wearable can now keep you from getting sunburnt, with the Flora digital UV index sensor. We took our popular SI1145 UV index sensor and cut out everything you don't need for using with a Flora. It's small, round, and connects to the I2C bus pads. Flora can even use our library code to get calibrated light level and UV index data from the sensor.
Please note: this sensor can be used by Flora but is too complex for Gemma!
To use: connect the 3V, SDA and SCL, and GND pads of the sensor to your Flora 3V/SDA/SCL/GND pads, in that order. Then load up our Arduino library and example code from the classic Breakout tutorial to your Flora.
Datasheets, Fritzing objects, and EagleCAD PCB files available in the tutorial
Collections: Adafruit in Canada
Type: Wearables