Elmwood no more, long live Elmwood! Elmwood Electronics and PiShop are now together!
Please order via PiShop.ca, as we are no longer taking orders through this site.
More details are in our blog!
These are standard '130 size' DC hobby motors. They come with a wider operating range than most toy motors: from 4.5 to 9VDC instead of 1.5-4.5V. This range makes them perfect for controlling with an Adafruit Motor Shield, or with an Arduino where you are more likely to have 5 or 9V available than a high current 3V setting. They'll fit in most electronics that already have 130-size motors installed and there's two breadboard-friendly wires soldered on already for fast prototyping
Collections: Adafruit in Canada
Type: Robotics & CNC