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Bumper Add-On For The :MOVE MINI


Elmwood Electronics has stopped accepting orders. This product might be available at PiShop.ca. Please check this blog post about our recent team merger.

Note: while this add-on was designed for the original :MOVE mini, it is compatible with the new :MOVE mini MK2!

Get more from :MOVE mini for the BBC microbit with the Bumper add-on. Turn :MOVE mini into a football/hockey game playing robot and compete against other robots

With this Bumper add-on for :MOVE mini for the BBC microbit, everyone's favourite little programmable robot buggy just got much better. If you were looking for an add-on that allows for competitive games, then this is the add-on for you.

Previously on :MOVE mini, we; drew shapes, controlled it via bluetooth, controlled it with a second microbit, and we also coded a variety of light shows. Now, it can totally be used to play ball games too!

This self assembly Bumper add-on kit is made from the same materials as :MOVE mini and has been designed in keeping with the :MOVE mini aesthetic.

Once the add-on has been attached to :MOVE mini, the buggy can now easily be used for competitive games involving a ball or a puck, football and hockey spring to mind.


  • This kit requires mechanical assembly.


  • This attachment can be fitted quickly and easily.
  • :MOVE mini will be able to move balls and pucks.
  • Allows for competative team games such as football and hockey.



  • Length: 32mm.
  • Width: 77mm.
  • Height: 9mm.





Collections: Kitronik, micro:bit

Type: micro:bit