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Octopus Analog Rotation Brick-Blue


Elmwood Electronics has stopped accepting orders. This product might be available at PiShop.ca. Please check this blog post about our recent team merger.

Octopus Electronic Bricks! You can use them build electronics projects just as easy as piling bricks! By using Octopus electronic bricks, you may connect Arduino or compatible boards easily with various digital, analog and I2C/Uart interfaces. These breadboard-less firm connections includes an extensive collection of modules like potentiometers, sensors, relays, servos, and even buttons.  Just plug and play!

The Octopus analog rotation brick is a 10K potentiometer module! Rotating the knob changes the resistance, which  provides an analog signal to the analog input IO ports of a micro-controller. This module has a 3-wire anti-reverse connector, which makes it easy to connect a GVS cable.


  • Integrate a 3-wire anti-reverse connector.
  • Rotate the knob to adjust resistance without using a screw driver.
  • Compact structure.

Quick Start

Study Case 01 - Bar Graph

Hardware Connection

Connect this module to P1 port on micro:bit. (See picture below)


Click to open Makecode, write your code to control micro:bit LED screen with octopus analog rotation brick.

You can see the whole program from the link here


Rotate the knob of octopus analog rotation brick, then its analog input value will be displayed on micro:bit screen in the form of bar graph.

Study Case 02 - Display Control

Hardware Connection

Connect analog rotation brick to P0 port on OCTOPUS:BIT.




 You can see the whole program from the link here


Rotate the blue knob on analog rotation brick in clockwise direction, LEDs on micro:bit screen will be turned on gradually. Rotate the knob in anti-clockwise direction, LEDs will be turned off gradually.





Collections: ElecFreaks

Type: Octopus Electric Bricks