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Hammer Header Male - Solderless Raspberry Pi Connector


Elmwood Electronics has stopped accepting orders. This product might be available at PiShop.ca. Please check this blog post about our recent team merger.

If your soldering isn't quite up to scratch, or you just don't own a soldering iron yet, then these nifty hammer headers from Pimoroni might be just what you need. 

Absolutely no soldering required! All that's needed is a few gentle taps with a hammer and whammo! Your header is securely attached to your Pi Zero, Bonnet, HAT or pHAT. Make sure to carefully read Pimoroni's guide for fitting hammer headers.

The socket headers are simpler to insert than the male headers as you can hammer straight onto the plastic of the header, but these plug-headers can be particularly tricky. They're best as an add-on to this hammer-header jig and pack

Note: Hammer at your own risk! We can't be held responsible for any damage that you may cause to your Pi Zero, bonnet, pHAT, HAT, headers, or fingers while fitting them. If you follow Pimoroni's guide carefully, you should be fine. 

