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Things We Sell ! Raspberry Pi

June 12, 2018

Things We Sell !     Raspberry Pi

A new regular Blog series.
Featuring quick overviews of the various platforms Elmwood offers.


Product : RaspberryPi


Current model: 3b+

{ speed similar to Apple A8* chip with integrated wifi }

Previous models:

rPi1B, A, B+, A+, rPi2, zero, W, WH, 3

Out of the Box :

Plug into an hdmi monitor with a USB keyboard & mouse
& cheaply do linux computing / electronics control / STEM.
Pop the NOOBS SD-card in & power on with a monitor & keyboard & off to the races.

Super easy process to install Raspbian (OS).
NOOBS SD card allows you to choose a variety of operating systems,
such as the recommended Raspbian Educational Distro (*free* Mathematica, Minecraft, Python) or other specific use options, such as home media server (OSMC, libreelec/kodi).
Most people will want to go with Raspbian, the default OS provided by the raspberry pi foundation.


Suggested Companions Out of the box:

Intended Use :

Learning computers without destroying Mom or Dads MacbookPro.

There are many amazing pre-installed tools such as Scratch, Python and Mathematica, that can grow with you as you learn & skills increase. 

Not really a full desktop replacement, but think of it as a versatile family learning environment.

Or a hackable smartphone circuit board (with no built in screen or calling ability).

Also if you can fit it, someone has put a Raspberry Pi in it

Or, if you have an advanced project in mind:
Full list of operating system choices.

Performance :

For LEARNING computing, rPi it is an excellent platform.
Using a web browser on anything less than a 3b is a patience building exercise.

For the detail oriented, generic 'by component' comparison

 Raspberry Pi 3B
x86 PC Equivalent 
4-core ARMv8 
Intel E5300 
Pentium III 
480 mbit USB
Radeon HD4350 

* chart from this forum discussion
* Processors are never really directly comparable, but for the daring...

Hackery :

If you are anti-monitor can TTL into the PI via a simple USB/TTL cable

Overclocking is possible on some models.
Heat Sinks available here.

Good generic platform for about anything you can imagine. 

If you want to prototype for mass production later, start with Arduino.

Next week :

The British Invasion, Micro:BIT !


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