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Octopus Electronic Bricks! You can use them build electronics projects just as easy as piling bricks! By using Octopus electronic bricks, you may connect Arduino or compatible boards easily with various digital, analog and I2C/Uart interfaces. These breadboard-less firm connections includes an extensive collection of modules like potentiometers, sensors, relays, servos, and even buttons. Just plug and play!
This is a rain-proof wind speed sensor with a standard connector for the Octopus brick series of products. It uses three 6cm hemispherical bowls with, spaced 120 degrees apart. The overall diameter is about 20cm.
The cups catch the wind no matter the direction; the higher the wind speed, faster it rotates. The cups drive a mini DC motor to generate DC voltage. Higher wind speeds will generate higher DC voltage, which you can measure to determine wind speed. Its maximum voltage generated can reach 1.2V.
You can refer to the attached chart in for the actual wind speed and voltage output coversion. The tolerance is ±10%.
Collections: ElecFreaks
Type: Octopus Electric Bricks